Friday, September 13, 2013

The iPhone 5, and How its Technology Affects Triad Electrical Services

As many of you may have read last week, Apple had a big announcement-pause-they released two more I-phones.  As someone whom experienced dial-up internet and phones that were attached to the wall, I am able to reflect on the changes in society since the release of the original I-phone.  While I may be speaking to a reader who laughs at my references mentioned as a humorous nod to feeling old at 25, I would reply that during my lifetime we have experienced more shifts in the entire framework of society than at any other point in history. As an electrical contractor in North Carolina, Beco has certainly seen its share of advances in technology. A professor once joked that when they wanted to know how to make strawberry jam they would have to call around to friends and family and that if no one knew how to make strawberry jam than there goes that idea but now you have the whole world at the tips of your fingers. 

The true importance in this story is the I-Phone 5C.  The 5C is touted as “beautifully, apologetically plastic,” and with its price half of the other new I-Phone 5S, is undoubtedly aimed towards emerging markets like China or India.  When the I-Phone was first released, it was a technological breakthrough. Today, that technology has  completely changed the way we communicate, obtain information and do business.  Competitors using the Android operating system have caught up and even surpassed the iPhone's capabilities in some peoples minds, but now Apple has been able to provide all the ease and productivity at a lower cost. The same is true for Beco, which has gone from only one location decades ago, to providing electrical services not only in the Triad of North Carolina, but across the entire state. 

There is no need for an economics lesson here, but this is just another example of the power of mass production. Due to the huge market for smart phones, Apple has been able to drive down the production costs. Remember when I said that the original iPhone technology completely changed the way we communicate, obtain information, and do business? Just imagine what its impact can be when the cost of entry is even lower.  For example, starting a business (especially retail and the restaurant industry) has become much more attainable with the invention of technologies such as 4Square and PayPal, eliminating expensive computer software and equipment. The other less obvious effects are seen once you lower the cost barriers to technology and more people are able to utilize these products, as well as learn about them and even utilize them to create other useful products. 

Now take the iPhone 5C and apply it to other products that have price barriers, but could provide significant benefits to society such as renewable energy.  We look to continue this conversation with an exploration of the learning thermostat- which I will address in the next post. 

Check out this smart energy product: Introducing Soccket by Uncharted Play, where thirty minutes of play can power an LED lamp for up to three hours.

Light up your Life with Electricity, North Carolina

We live in a fast paced world that demands efficiency and order but it is important to not let monotony take over your life.

My name is Ryan Saunders, and I work for Beco Inc. Electrical Contractor in High Point, North Carolina.  I am 25 years old, and have been with the company for a little over three years.  It is an exciting time to be involved in my industry, as electric cars are making a comeback, automation and wireless technologies are gaining foothold, renewable energy is on the rise, and design is bringing color to otherwise dull places.

Our customers recognize us as a longstanding and reputable company that provides quality electrical service, always putting the customer first.  Being a company of innovation and technology, Beco Electrical wants to maintain a strong community presence through social media and the web as a way to keep the conversation going and keep you, our customers, up to date and informed.

We hope you will monitor our journey as we launch this new blog The Current. If you have a question or comment, please feel free to participate and give us ideas on how to improve both this blog and our service offerings. Share what you think is cool, and more than anything, we hope you learn something new that might be able to benefit your everyday life.